Waasi Seetuwa is a savings scheme designed to encourage the valuable habit of saving among our customers.
Key features
Attractive Interest Rate
Loan facilities for different needs and situations
Customer relationship officer/Doorstep service
Eligible to get the Seetuwa Loan plan scheme
Residents of Sri Lanka over 18 years of age are eligible to apply for the Waasi Seettuwa Savings Account.
Foreigners who do not hold residence visas in Sri Lanka are not eligible.
Savings application with KYC
Proof address
Terms and Conditions
An Initial deposit of minimum Rs 1000/= should be placed by the customer
A fee of Rs 25 per month will be charged if the monthly minimum balance in the account falls below Rs 1000/-
An annual Account handling fee of Rs 500 will be charged. This is exclusively designed for individuals & cannot be opened by the corporate entities or societies.
Our terms and conditions are subject to change at sole discretion of the company, as deemed necessary.